Friday, May 17, 2013

Stone Brewing Company - Enjoy by 05.17.2013

"You have in your hands a devastatingly fresh double IPA. While freshness is a key component of many beers - especially big, citrusy, floral IPAs - we've taken it further, a lot further, in this IPA. You see, we specifically brewed it NOT to last. We've not only gone to extensive lengths to ensure that you're getting this beer in your hands within an extraordinarily short window, we made sure that the Enjoy By date isn't randomly etched in tiny text somewhere on the label, to be overlooked by all but the most attentive of retailers and consumers. Instead, we've sent a clear message with the name of the beer itself that there is no better time than right now to enjoy this IPA."        
                                                     - Stone Brewing Company

Brewery: Stone Brewing Company
Beer: Enjoy by 05.17.2013
Style: Double IPA
ABV: 9.4%

Yes I know, I have already reviewed Stone's amazing Enjoy by double IPA and I won't be reviewing every batch that is released. But this date 05.17.2013 just happens to be our 5 year wedding anniversary. So this post is just my excuse to talk about my beautiful, intelligent and loving wife along with some notes on one of my favorite beers.

We met online through Myspace (remember that?) in an odd series of events. I was looking to meet someone different and smart, preferably female who I could just hang out with and not date. A prior experience made me shy away from dating single mothers so I felt that if said female had a kid, it would help sway me from dating her. That night I stumbled across the profile "Kristine I'm way too cool for Myspace Hall" and decided to inquire about how cool she was. 

Kristine had a daughter, November, so I felt as if I struck gold with my mission.  Initial welcoming messages turned into can't wait to read short stories. This was back before I had a desk job or a smart phone so I would rush home to see if I had a new message. Every new message contained bits and pieces about my future wife and I couldn't get enough. She grew up in a small town in Utah, became a teen mom before it was cool and still managed to graduate college with a bachelors in English literature. Her vast knowledge of music and the arts overwhelmed me but was refreshing. There were many small factors that contributed to my thinking that she was the "one" but one that applies here was when she told me that her friend called her a beer snob. 

San Francisco 2007 - Rock the Bells trip with Rage Against the Machine/ Wu Tang headlining
Kristine was a huge Heineken fan and was telling her friend about how anything named Budweiser/Miller/Coors was shit. This made my inner beer spirit happier than I knew at the time. Many, many beers later and great times shared in Las Vegas, Price & Saint George Utah, San Francisco, Rosarito Beach, Disneyland, and especially San Diego, we decided to get married. I proposed off the cliffs in La Jolla shores one October evening and five years ago this date, we were wed in Las Vegas. 

Leaving the ceremony, she thinks "what have I done?" 
If you're still with me, I appreciate your time because this outlet gives me the opportunity to share my thoughts on beer. However today I digressed. Today I can't help but reflect on how much things have progressed and changed for the best. She has seen me at my worst and stuck by me through thick and thin. A constant inspiration to be a better person while also trying to make this planet we call home better in every way. Today, we live in Eastlake with our teenage daughter and 2 year old son (aka the reasons I drink :) ) and life is good. So thank you for reading, hope you enjoy the blog and I plan on doing more out in about posts featuring some of my favorite drinking spots.

Our kids - November and Logan (look at them highwaters! LOL) 
Onto this beauty of a beer, expelling hints of peach, pine and citrus scents, which I absolutely adore. Golden body and pours great with its glowing white head. The beer takes my palate on a roller coaster of flavors starting off with a fruity and floral hoppiness followed by a surprisingly smooth yet bitter end. At a whopping 9.4%, you would think this beer would too bitter or too strong but have faith in Stone Brewing, they know their shit! If you haven't tried an Enjoy By IPA, you NEED to. Yes, they are hard to come by but if you like them on Facebook or follow them on twitter, they will alert you to the next release. Cheers! 

Aroma: 10
Appearance: 5
Flavor: 10
Palate: 4
Style Rating: 10/10
Overall: 29/30

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