Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Alabama Home Brew - Update!!!

Last night, the Alabama Senate gave final passage to the Home Brewing Bill (HB9) that would legalize home brewing in the Yellowhammer state. The bill, by Rep. Mac McCutcheon, R-Huntsville, would allow those 21 and older to make up to 15 gallons of beer, wine, mead or cider every three months for personal use. However, it would not be legal in dry counties or dry cities.The Senate approved the bill with a 18-7 vote and it now goes to Gov. Robert Bentley for his signature.

"Alabama is literally the last state that makes homebrew legal, assuming the governor signs it,"said Sen. Bill Holtzclaw,R-Madison. Although the bill was approved by the Senate, the bill does not pass until it is signed by the Governor. "As with all bills, we will conduct a thorough review once the bill reaches the governor's office," Governor Press Secretary Jennifer Ardis wrote in an email. This past March, Mississippi passed their version of a bill that would legalize home brewing but it has a 90 day wait period. If the Alabama Governor signs this bill (HB9), it would take effect immediately and would give Alabama the opportunity to beat Mississippi in legalizing home brewing. It's not a race as the real winners would be the home brewers in both states and we would be a home brewing nation united!

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