Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Battle of the Beers! Black IPA Edition

Sublimely Self-Righteous Ale
"We're brewers whose substantial mettle and idiomatic approach to brewing allows us to consistently create works of art such as this justifiably self-righteous ale. Its bitterness hits our sweet spot. Its blackness lightens our hearts. Its liquid dichotomy pulls it all together in this sublimely sacrosanct ale. Yes, we damn well know our stuff here at Stone, and it would be irresponsible of us not to acknowledge how remarkable this heavenly creation of ours is. Thus the name we are compelled to give it --- Stone Sublimely Self-Righteous Ale --- serves as a reminder of just how good we are, in both liquid and verbal form."

                                            - Stone Brewing Company

Wookey jack
"Wookey Jack is our first foray into the dark outer world of black IPAs. Rich dark malts and spicy rye careen into bold citrus laden hops creating a new dimension in IPA flavor. This brew has been left unfiltered and unfined to retain all of its texture and character. At 80 IBUs, Wookey Jack is gnarly on the outside yet complex and refined on the inside."

                                           - Firestone Walker Brewing Company


  Stone Brewing Company            :Brewery:         Firestone Walker Brewing
Sublimely Self-Righteous Ale          :Beer:                         Wookey Jack
             Black IPA                          :Style:                       Black IPA
                8.7%                                   :ABV:                            8.3%

Being a hop head and from San Diego, the city which has its own IPA style named after it, it took me a long time to come around to black IPA's. In fact, I didn't have my first black IPA until early last year. But now there are times when my palate craves the sweet bitterness that comes with the black IPA style. For those of you who do not know, a black IPA gets its color from the malt the brewer uses, usually black Rye. But the hoppy bitterness and aroma still find its way through the darkness and into our senses.

I have seen Stone's Sublimely Self-Righteous Ale in bottle shops and I never checked it out, read the bottle or gave it a thought to purchase. Still to this day, I have no clue why I would not trust Stone or their beer crafting ability, but I just had no experience with black ales and overlooked this beer for something more traditional of an IPA. It wasn't until a co-worker and beer enthusiast recommended me to try a black IPA by the name of Wookey Jack (More on that later) that made me finally take the dive into the wonderful world of black IPA's.

Sublimely Self-Righteous pours great and boasts a bold dark body capped off by its fizzy light brown head. The nose is full of pine and citrus hints blended with a nice touch of sweet malts. Initial flavors are full of sweet chocolate touches followed up by a smooth bitter end.

Aroma: 8
Appearance: 4
Flavor: 8
Palate: 4
Style Rating: 10/10
Overall: 24/30

Wookey Jack, my introductory black IPA, models the same pitch black body and it's creamy head is a lighter shade of brown than SSR. Hints of pine, citrus and peach fill the nose and deceive your senses into thinking it is a traditional IPA. There are rich chocolate flavors initially followed by a gentle bitterness that makes this beer very easy to drink considering the 8.3% ABV.

Aroma: 8
Appearance: 4
Flavor: 7
Palate: 5
Style Rating: 10/10
Overall: 24/30
The Winner: Another draw so the real winner here is your palate, again. Once you go black you never turn back. Well that doesn't really apply here but once you delve into the world of black IPA's and run your palate through the complex flavors, hoppy turns and sweet twists, you'll definitely want more. Do yourself a favor and drink either one of these.

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