Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Battle of the Beers! IPA Edition

"A menagerie of hops is layered throughout the brewing process: Simcoe for unique fruitiness and grapefruit zest, Columbus for strong hop pungency, Centennial for pine and citrus notes and Cascade for floral aroma. A multi-dimensional hop experience."

                                                      - Green Flash Brewery

"Deep golden to light amber color, and a nice off-white head, with good retention when properly served. Starts off with pleasantly strong hop flavors, balanced by a firm malt backdrop, then fades to a dry finish with a lingering hoppiness."

                                                      - Alesmith Brewing Company



      Green Flash Brewery               :Brewery:          Alesmith Brewing Company
       West Costa IPA                    :Beer:                             Alesmith IPA
                  IPA                                   :Style:                              IPA
                  7.3%                                 :ABV:                              7.25%

Two San Diego classics go head to head in this weeks edition of Battle of the Beers. Both beers are great examples of the San Diego inspired "west coast IPA" and are cornerstones for their respective breweries. You can never go wrong with either of these beers when visiting the fine establishments that San Diego has to offer, but now it's time for the battle!

Green Flash was founded in 2002 by Mike and Lisa Hinkley, however it wasn't until brew master Chuck Silva joined the team when their beers really started to stand out. Chuck brought his innovative style and knowledge and Green Flash began its premium style beer catalog. West Coast IPA, often considered to be the one of the original abundantly hopped IPA's, was the first beer Chuck put his cutting edge style on. 

West Coast pours smoothly and shows off its bold amber body. A creamy off-white head crowns the beer with heavy scents of citrus, floral and pine. A strong yet smooth malt presence starts off the flavor rollercoaster and ends in a pungent bitterness, a signature in West Coast style IPA's.

Aroma: 7
Appearance: 4
Flavor: 7
Palate: 4
Style Rating: 8/10
Overall: 22/30

Forged in 1995, Alesmith is lead by award winning brewer Peter Zein and specializes in hand crafted ales in a variety of styles. They have made their mark in the San Diego craft scene with their solid year round lineup which includes the chocolatey yet smooth Nautical Nut Brown, the HUGE 12% abv imperial Speedway Stout which host rich coffee and chocolate flavors, and the award winning strong Belgian Horny Devil. A diverse and tasty lineup to say the least.

For this battle, we call forth their IPA. A creamy white head sits atop the gorgeous golden body. Powerful hints of grapefruit and pine fill the nose. There is a very unnoticeable malt base that dances gracefully with the fruity hop flavors and ends in a dry bitter finish.

Aroma: 8
Appearance: 4
Flavor: 8
Palate: 4
Style Rating: 9/10
Overall: 24/30

The Winner: Alesmith IPA narrowly edges out West Coast IPA. These scores are based on my preference alone Alesmith IPA exemplifies everything I want in an IPA. Clear golden body, huge hop aroma and flavors with a slight malt base and a dry finish. Although Alesmith won this battle, both of these beers are truly worthy of your taste buds. Cheers!!

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