Not every state was quick to change their home brewing laws but with the surge in interest for craft beers and home brewing, many states are taking measures to capitalize on the craft beer industry. In 2009, Utah legalized home brewing. In 2010, Oklahoma passed their own legalization law and just over a month ago, Mississippi legalized home brewing by passing a new law on March 18th.
A bill (HB9) to legalize home brewing in Alabama was reintroduced this year and it if passes, it will give the home brewers in Alabama the same privileges that every other state offers their home brewers. However, The only way the Alabama lawmakers will pass the bill is if enough of their constituents contact them in support of the bill to alleviate their fear of voting in favor of any alcohol-related bill in Alabama.
Here's where you can help. We need to spread the word and help out our fellow home brewers Alabama. During the legislative session between now and May 20th, the Senate Rules Committee controls which bills are brought before the senate for a vote and there are only a few days left in the session. You can click here and contact the members of the Senate Rules Committee and politely ask them to place HB9 on the Special Order Calendar as soon as possible. All the contact information is on the page. Also, you can visit Right to Brew, which is the home brew legalization organization involved in the effort, for more information. Lets band together and help our our fellow home brewers/ craft beer enthusiasts. Cheers!
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